Body Contouring
This unique system of contouring is imported from France and has been successfully used in both the beauty industry and medical industry for circulation, scarring, lymph movement, congestion of tissue and many other circulatory issues. We provide both vacumobilization & pressotherapy sessions for your wellness therapies. Use these services for whole body health or add them to any service to create a wellness program 25 min - $85 50 min - $165
Body Contouring Deep Detox Day
Create wellness through detoxification, this day starts in the Sauna to help assist your body in eliminating toxins and heating the dermis, epidermis and underlying congestion. The session then moves to the Euroduc Vacumobilization and Pressotherapy room for 60 min session of lymph drainage and the break up of tissue congestion. Your target areas are then treated with ice and you will move to the Infared Heat Room for to complete this perfect package. 120 min session Introductory - $250
Package of 4 - $900